Baumarine by MaruKlav: ‘Another year delivering as promised’ in 2022
Image: Pool Member MG Sakura
We are very happy to report a strong end to 2022 with a December results of $13,943/day net, or $14,677/day gross, which is above both the lagged benchmark and the P5TC index. Looking at 2022 as a whole, Baumarine by MaruKlav pool has outperformed its lagged benchmark (P5TC month x-1) by $53/day and the P5TC index (month x) Cal22 by $891/day.
Carl-Martin Graf, Head of Baumarine, commented: “This is a result of the deliberate and dynamic positioning of our fleet across the different basins and a direct outcome of our close and good collaboration with all our pool owners. During December we repositioned three more vessels from the Pacific into the Indian Ocean, moved one vessel from the Indian Ocean via South Africa to Europe, and in early January concluded a repositioning leg for one of our vessels - opening Japan for a grain cargo via Nopac to West Africa. We are deliberately using the lower paying markets in the Pacific to reposition our fleet for the potential post Chinese New Year effects, aiming to regain the investments we are doing now in January and February going into Q2 2023”.
2022 in deliverables:
Pool earnings for Pool Index Vessel (standard Kamsarmax): $7,501,480 net / $7,896,295 gross
- This is above P5TC and 6 out of 12 months spent outperforming the benchmark.14.3M mt cargo carried from 24 different commodities
- This represents 198 fixtures and 37% clean cargoes.Option to convert spot to fixed earnings at FFA peaks: 20 Agreements and 607 vessel-days executed for our members. Earnings upside delivered: $3,138,919
- H1 2022 $852,460 ($2,842 per day above P5TC).
- H2 2022 $2,286,459 ($7,448 per day above P5TC).139 crew changes and total 6.64 off-hire days, with an average 1.15 off-hire hours/each
- With minimum deviations suffered, our chartering/operations teams helped trading where owners could do crew changes, minimizing their off-hire time to most cases actual time spent for physical crew in/out.
12 monthly Pool Newsletters
- Sharing commercial, operational, bunker, and research insights.
Michael Jørgensen, Managing Director, comments: “We are pleased to have delivered positive results during 2022 and further welcomed a number of new owners in recent months, meaning we are starting the year at 30 vessels from 15 unique owners. While we seek to grow the pool volume for increased geographical and timing coverage, we will also strive to continue delivering value in terms of earnings for each member during 2023 both through the absolute performance but also through the fixed rate vehicle, an instrument that created significant values for our members in 2022.”
Ignacio Pizarro, Global Head of Partner Relations, commented: “We are closing another successful year in Baumarine by MaruKlav. A key differentiating factor is our close dialogue with our members, we invest a lot of time with daily communication on anything happening around their vessels, share our learnings to help get control on the timing back to them, all to maximize their vessels’ earnings. We take care of their assets as our own. With one-on-one calibration calls with each of our members, we discuss anything on their vessel and help them to convert from spot to fixed earnings at any given time while trading with us. We help shipowners to buy the right vessels in the secondhand market with a full commercial evaluation of candidate ships they are planning to inspect, and advise on the latest regulations and compliance in this dynamic industry. Anytime, anywhere, we are here!”
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